This site was created to dispel inaccurate information that can be found around the web. We will will do our best to provide accurate information, and to support and document such information where possible. There is a ton of information about Mr. Steven Samblis on the web. Some true, however most of Mr. Samblis's sites are simply aggrandizing tributes to his own mind. Here however, you will find facts (and some commentary) supported by documentation. Documentation beats conversation everyday ! Also, this site links frequently to our blog site. There you will find more up-to-date info about Mr. Samblis and the companies he owns and operates. Sign up to follow the blog and you will be notified when new information is published. You will never hear from us otherwise, and we will never sell, rent, or otherwise provide your information to others.
Thank you for visiting !
If you're not sure where to start... the best place to start is the Meet The CEO page here.
This is the mugshot photo that Mr. Samblis
wanted desperately to erase from history.
However, once on the internet, always on the internet.